Phantasmagorical Art

Tee Shirts from People with a Quirky Imagination!

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About Us

Phantasmagorical Art Tee-shirts and other products (we’ll be adding more soon! :D) are designed and created by a ‘home schooling’ and ‘pet loving’ people with a quirky sense of humor who are based in beautiful green central Portugal.

The products we sell help us to maintain a large farm that we are hoping to develop into a retreat and learning center. As you might expect this is costly business and whilst this part of the world is largely natural, unspoilt and sparsely populated (a dream to live in for many people we feel sure) it is also a place with little in the way of employment opportunities. The possibility of creating an online business therefore is very useful and important for us.

Portugal, probably like many other countries, also suffers a problem of having many stray cats and dogs. These poor earthlings are often scrounging around for food and may live a life of suffering and lack of affection unless some kind soul adopts them, or the admirable keepers of an animal sanctuary take them in. This is why we will be donating a proportion of net profits from any animal design products sold on this store to help support these organizations, which are always struggling to support the animals they look after and are typically under financial stress! We’ll be reporting here occasionally on any sanctuary providers we may be able to assist…. But we should also mention that any money we make will also go towards feeding our six cats, dog, duck, two budgerigars and chickens, too! Lol! 😀

We are always happy to try to add designs that people may want to see — and/or create ‘bespoke’ designs that include names, images or references that you’d like as ‘special’ one-off productions (we could create an image for you, or you could send a photograph if it has good clear contrast and is of good enough quality) If you have an idea for a Tee-shirt, hoodie, or other item with a design that will be a special gift for someone, or just for yourself PLEASE do get in touch and we’ll be happy to help and agree a fair and reasonable price for anything you want, if we can assist! 🙂

Thank you for calling by and your interest in Phantasmagorical Arts Tee-shirts and other Natural products (when they com online soon! :D)

(Aedion Togevi)